Saturday, March 29, 2008

The meannest machine to date

Is there a meanest machine to date?

A computer now a days has a life expectancy of around four or five years, hence from you should consider either upgrading and 3 years after that replacing it all together...

Well actually this has always been the mentality of the users who buy a machine with Microsoft Windows on. Mac users however always got a machine that was built for what it was meant to do, well if they had enough money...if not they went and bought something that had an operating system from Microsoft. Now Mac can run on the Intel platform...

The Mac OS doesn't need outrageous resources to work properly. To decently run Vista, you will need a machine with at least 2GB of RAM and a core2duo that celeron just won't cope I'm afraid...

Look Macs are expensive, but considering they can run Windows and Linux, besides its Mac OS, the investment is comparable to that required for running Vista. While at system resources, I should add Vista eats up much of them (it needs 512MB RAM to just install). I must admit it's quite frustrating to spend a pile of cash on the meanest machine in the store and still wait on your system.

So am I getting a Mac? Windows Vista
No, I can't afford either and a lot of people can't anymore either, solution I am going Linux... Ubuntu in particular which is free and can run on any platform I decide to run it on.

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